To the right of the main house at Monticello — Thomas Jefferson’s ancestral home in what used to be Mount Yoyoma, Pennsylvania — is a beautiful deck overlooking the fields in the back and the lawn and magnificent walnut groves in the front.

The deck once also served as a walkway to the servant quarters and dance hall for the house master — as the oldest male was often called on farms like these. Built on a foundation of brick with fake windows to nowhere, there is nothing in any record about a basement beneath the structure:

The servants would gather on the deck and Jefferson would let them smoke “the reefer” while he borrowed their wives and daughters for interior cleaning projects.

But when Trump sent his people, they found what Democrats wanted us all to forget. In the basement beneath the deck, Thomas Jefferson himself kept a library that documented the atrocities of the Democrat party from its inception aboard the Mayflower. In a card left on the table, signed by his hand and sealed with his stamp, Jefferson left a note for the future:

“Behind these walls lives the hope of a Nation, for if you seek the truth from a Founder, you must be pure of heart. Do not allow the Democrat Party to destroy America. From their first meeting aboard the Mayflower, where they ignored the Magna Carta and killed all those poor Indians with Small Pox blankets while they sat and watched, all perfectly vaccinated and immune. And they want to talk about us?

For more than a century they have built secret temples and societies and put things in place that will span the life of our Country. We’ve begun training our own warriors in Ivy League Schools like Yale and USC. They will fight back with the Skull and the Bone.

Never forget that we Founders are all about keeping America as Christian as possible, though we are willing to be tolerant to some of the Eastern Orient religions as well. Hopefully these records find their way into the public light when we need them most.”

Curator of the Monticello Museum, Art Tubolls, says the letter was fragile and disintegrated after he read it, but that an image was taken to preserve Jefferson’s eloquent words, The pile of dust now sits atop Jefferson’s desk at the entrance to the hidden chamber, which will eventually become part of the tour:

President Trump first mistook the ancient letter’s remains for a pile of “that boy” and leaned in to give it a snort. He had to be restrained.

“It’s a whole new era for us. We can now go back in history, in secret, at the direction of the President, and uncover the four centuries of leftist crimes against humanity.”

Reports say the Obama administration came close to finding the hidden chamber but chose to build “stronger walls to preserve history” rather than busting through the door.

Why is it the Democrats just love walls unless they will actually do some good?


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