The Claim: A federal judge unsealed Benghazi documents 18 years ahead of schedule

Claimed by: online sources

We rate this claim: TRUE!

The internet usually finds the truth, patriots, and this time is no different. America’s Last Line of Defense lead journalisticator Flagg Eagleton wrote the original story, so that right there lends credibility to the post. It’s not like it came from a Chris Wallace Sunday show or the Associated Press of Globalists.

Second, there is no way to prove a story that comes from a fictitious court, therefore, it can’t be proven untrue, true?

And finally, if something is true, how can it also be “very true?” Is there a lesser version of true we could explore?

These are all the reasons why believing this post will bring you closer to what you’re looking for, patriots. Total absolution and freedom from anyone’s truth but your own.

So stop it, patriots. Just cut it out. There’s no reason to bother looking for someone else’s truth when the truth you want is right there within you, whether it’s true or not.

As for this truth, do you want to believe it? What could be in those documents? How many more articles can we get you to click on before you’ll finally believe? Most importantly, did you get distracted and click a shiny ad before you left?

Thank you, patriots, and as always, God bless America.



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