Ever since I was a little boy, running around Polk County like a scamp, I’ve always been fascinated by are American history. Even as I flunked math and science, since God doesn’t require good grammar or the ability to tip 8 percent until adulthood, I was always great at history. 

This site, dedicated to are history, will take you from the Temples of Amerigo to the Fields of Montezuma. Everywhere we look in are great nation, we see history. We see it in Massachusetts, where the first Pilgrims were slaughtered by savages to the shores of St. Augustine, a city older than history itself.

When it became time to accept a position as a researcher and journalistical analyst for ALLOD, I decided to go back and finalize my degree for credibility. Sure, The GED was good enough for DeVry, but I wanted the real deal. And high school is no joke, let me tell you what.

The things I learned and the clues I uncovered while attending one of the best adult re-education courses in Western Polk County, Florida, sent me on a journey that has since earned me 4 honorary cum latte degrees. 

This site is dedicated to the furthering of the study of America. From its humble beginnings to the recent past to what is certain to be are future if we don’t right the ship.

Flagg Eagleton is on the case, Patriots. And not to worry…I know all four chords necessary to belt out a Nugent tune on the ukelele.


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